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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.


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Was it you who said your favorite
thing about me was the emotion on
my face?

Art pieces being realized as
shades of colors fade into one
another - the hues of thematic
'to love yous'.

Or a graphed curvature of lips and
eyes where two points meet and split
over and over in patterns predicting
the trajectory of us.

It doesn't matter anymore
though, whether it was you
or you then. I have seen in the lawful
depths of my universal soul
murky and blurring at the edges in
tangling wisps you.

It was you I saw in my dreams last night
was it not?

The same, only better because
you knew enough to love me and say
so or maybe it is me
who has changed and know enough now to

love me.


"Smile often" read the words on the page
in the most mundane of documents
on the most tedious of topics.

when identified by a singular emotion it is
too easy to push away and decide on something entirely
different despite understanding balance.

how long has it been?
the erosion of parted lips releasing breath in contented
sighs sensual and spiritual.

erased by lapping darkness stealing pieces away
with each undulation and carried into the middle
of somewhere nobody has ever seen but everyone knows.

i will graft roots of loveliness into shifting
sorrow and drop anchor into deep joy
by raising a salute to faithfulness.

a reminder to myself today to smile often
in the most mundane of days
on the most tedious of topics

with ever a hint of


  the feels.
You tried to change didn’t you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake
but even when sleeping you could feel
him travelling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do, love
split his head open?
you can’t make homes out of human beings
someone should have already told you that
and if he wants to leave
then let him leave
you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love.

“For Women Who Are Difficult to Love,” Warsan Shire 


  chasing cars
we tend to go forwards,
or at least, where we think forwards lies.
until we round the bend anticipating the roar of rapids and a waterfall
only to find the ripples we created at the last corner meeting us,
splashed in the face by the determined kick of before riding the tail end of after.

the fate of floating in circles in a small pond.

i don't quite know how to say how i feel.

those three words are said too much
they're not enough. 

what is today from tomorrow if they are covered in the same memory stains?
what is yesterday from today if the colors have bled off the page and mingled into blurred
scenery and fuzzy spots of light the way nights look in the rain?

and what of the words in those times, and what of my heart?
the things i remember and cannot choose to forget.
the things i cannot choose to remember and forget.

let's waste time
chasing cars
around our heads

love, one question remains,
spinning in the pooling circles of my footsteps,
fuzzed in-between states flaking off my hair and running down my eyelids,
forcing my head into a bow.

if i lay here,
if i just lay here,
would you lie with me, and just forget the world?


if it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill
then write and write and write
even when i feel there is nothing to say.

merely a case of tense submersion
waiting for the clouds to hang heavy so they can rise
and break the surface with ripples of compressed beauty.


for now i suspend
buoyed by the strength of 10,000 unsaid and waiting
weighed down by 10,000 already living and breathing,
tangled like strands of hair tossed by a night of sleep
waiting for quivers of sunlight to slice through bonds
and gnarled knots of meaning i cannot run my fingers
just waiting.

and what if i spend my 10,000 hours waiting
and still remain under -
a case of
subterfuge? submerged.
cheated of a promise.

there is no alternative.
in cultivating a strange
addiction to this form of weightlessness
10,000 is not enough

enough is enough.


  i am listening
silence can be deafeningly defeatist.

"am i good enough?"

"what did you say?"

"did you like it?"

each pocket of silence swells and swirls, 
the stretching surface 
of a bubble about to 
and if you were too close
soap suds land on your tongue
and you recoil, frowning
at the aftertaste. 

but sometimes,
after the dissipating vapour of silence has
finished with its airy frolic
the breezes pays a visit
and lands next to the ear
with a soothing touch and 
a whispering reminder


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