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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.

  oh it hurts
to not hold you back
to not give in to the whims of the instant
to not look back

it hurts too much
to be disappointed,
so i don't ask.

and yet inside,
is a me, waiting for someone
to reach out and take my hand

and yet inside,
as i step away, my heart gets heavier
and i wonder why i choose to do
the things i do.

in moments of doubt i often wish
i didn't love you.

it has been wonderful
but it has also been painful.

in moments of sanity i acknowledge
there is no clear separation of the two.

and so,
i plod on, in the cold,
bitter and sad
and someone else calls my name,
choosing to walk with me.

oh it hurts.

but how grateful i am,
to that someone else.
for offering a moment of comfort,
in a growing storm of emotion.

in walking away,
i guess i discover,
the ones that choose to come after me.
but you, you are not selfish,
and when push comes to shove,
i go first.
because to favor me, means self-indulgence

and you won't be.
i love you for that reason too


oh how it hurts.

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