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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.

the happiest time of my day,
is when the sunlight hits a comfortable place
and it is just me and my music.

whether i am on the street,
sprawled on the futon,
or cross-legged in a chair,
it is the most fantastic feeling in the world.

i love the quiet,
and i love rest,
just as much as i love the busy sounds,
and the humdrum of work.

i love life in the beauty of its rhythms,
and the comfort of its moments.

and today was a strange moment,
as a song came on,
and the lyrics rang familiar,
it was you i remembered,
and i teared.

and today was a silent acknowledgment,
a thought to the wind,
as i recollected your goodness,
and i thanked you for what
you left me.

when you took my hand and stepped me through the door
into a world of sound, and lyrical scores
i found my quiet.

and even though you are gone,
i still love this, that which you left behind
despite all the scars, and broken jars
i have my music,
and it is a most beautiful goodbye i hear.

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