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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.

  lazy afternoon

there are certain afternoons,
(and this is one of them)
where i am supposed to be productive,
but wind up instead,
frolicking in certain activities that i usually do not engage much in.

and the way these shafts of light
fall across my path, seem
like steps to a better way where
the end is a me
as beautiful
as delicate
as powerful
as present
as a rose in the springtime
blooming with a knowing mind
of a breath that's new
of a grace unfair
of a love that promises
a place with you.

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