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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.

  the other side
today i spent the day cleaning,
and in doing so, i sorted through my soul,
and rearranged the space.

i am always striving,
but sometimes i lose my way,
and lately there have been many of those days.

a fragile state of independence
shaken and crumbling again with your newfound existence.

it would be simple, and easy to collapse against your chest,
in comforting slumbers.
sheltered against my fears from arms that promise to stay,
despite their need to move.

but i am not that kind of girl.
and i cannot live with myself, curled up in your embrace.
it cheapens the strength i have gained, and drags me back
into the same sins of yesterday.

so i push you away.

perhaps it is why
it always feels safer to erect a wall
and stay on the other side.
perhaps it is why
i am cleaning and cleaning,
to reconfigure the space of my heart,
and place you somewhere safe.

but that is not right either.
to hold you at arms length, means to deny you entrance.
it weakens the conviction of your question and my answer
that laid a love in place.

so i show you around.

perhaps it is why
it feels like a tightrope stretched taut
between two selves.
perhaps it is why
i am tugging and pulling,
for attention, and all your affection
to rest, the way dust settles, on me.

'how do i let you love me?'
is the question,
and thus far,
the answer lies
on the other side
of someday.

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