a reason
intertext lu mikan janice qiao dawn to reply
Layout made by tkh.
and wonder if i've bitten off more than i can chew. i really can't respond, because my mouth is full and it is rather impolite to speak when one's mouth is full. nevertheless, it is a futile argument to discuss the relation of my abilities to the weight of responsibility because the fact of the matter is, this is how it had to be. i have considered other options, and i have considered spitting out, but i don't believe that course of action is what was intended, so i continue my ingestion. 累的很值得,因為知道我現在活的好豐盛。 there is good being done here, within and without. 我願意熬過最疲憊的今天,因為明天的我將會更堅強。 to consider the many things i've learned in the short span of these few weeks already, to be humbled again and again, to be broken again and again, just so i can better see the glory of Christ for which i am striving. You promised strength through your Holy Spirit, i will hold you to it. No, i will demand it. Be my everything. Labels: faith, musing, personal |