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a reason
Isaiah 55:11 : so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

i hope my words are strange and wondrous,
like kisses that quiet all things superfluous,
so that we can all stop and



to reply

Layout made by tkh.

it is a simple matter of listening,
isn't it?

unless the chaos of voices is beyond decipherable
and the growing din clogs the nerves like
traffic at sundown
till all that is left is numb suspension,
and a toxic stench.

it is a simple matter of pretending,
isn't it?

unless pretense is just a cover for anguish that
begs to be recognized as more than ungratefulness
and asks for leave
to be at its very worst and still
be beloved.

and all the question marks
chase me down the street as though
i left something important and they
need to return it but the closer they get
the meaner the intention
and really it is a snatch-and-run about to happen
and what is important
was in my left back pocket
until a moment


i must confess Father,
that when you say i love you.
i don't know what that means at all.




yeah. i know none of those words.
and i am ashamed.

this taskmaster, Father
is particularly cruel.
his whip splays across the surface of my heart and
rips in cracks that grow and snake
till a whole is wholly not.


maybe, this is the price paid to say
i love you?

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